[2.6a] Lulu Guide - Lulu the Yordle Queen [In-Depth 2.4]
Lulu the Yordle Queen [In-Depth 2.4]
- amazing duo queue support
- insane single target buff potential
- unrivaled attack speed increase
- great synergies
- yordle?
- short range
- mana issues
- weak teamfight impact compared to other supports
- low to none damage compared to other supports
- very dependent on ADC/Carry
Lulu Build
Best Build Guide for Lulu

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
- Starting with
Amplifying Tome will help your poke in early laning phase + boost your shield.
- On first back I take a
Aether Wisp to give me some extra movement speed + 35AP combined with
Kindlegem it builds into
Ardent Censer
Redeeming Enchant got three main uses: Provide vision in case you have no wards set up (how dare you), provide heal and provide true damage. It can also be used WHILE YOU ARE DEAD
- [Locket enchant] is my personal favorite but probably not the best. It provides a team wide shield and can be great against a gank or a second barrier for your adc
Shadows Enchant is an underrated item since it finds enemies lurking in the shadows and also provides a great slow UP TO 5 SECONDS which synergizes well with your rune
Ardent Censer +
Jinx is a win condition so it can be even worth sacrificing your active item for it since the additional attack speed makes
Jinx broken
- [staff of flowing water] is the perfect item for
Lulu it gives AP and reduces cooldowns which is all you need
- You won´t even have enough money for [rabadon´s deathcap] in some games but it´s a great item to buff your shield and [lulu:ult]
- If you ever find yourself so late into a game you might need some armor to prevent dying to a quick poke
Crystalline Reflector will ensure that
- I never got to this item in over 800 games with Lulu but
Athene's Unholy Grail provides you with some nice magic resistance and a small heal for one team member
Lulu Runes
Best Runes for Lulu

Summon Aery and
Font of Life both work everything else is a troll in my opinion
Weakness is great to increase the damage dealt by your adc and synergizes well with [lulu:1]
- Regeneration rune you are missed
Second Wind is a great choice since you will struggle against poke,
Adaptive Carapace also works well to waste more time in case the enemy focuses you
Manaflow Band is a must have after the nerf to your 3rd rune if you however don´t struggle with mana (how???)
Pack Hunter can be a nice way to provide some extra gold (I usually get around 20 assists so that´s an extra 1000coins)
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Most people don´t know about animation cancelling for Lulu and often neglect her damage output potential. No you won´t one-shot or even half health someone but you can at least try

Provides a long range
shot to either slow down and catch up to an enemy or finish one off (don´t steal kills though)

A great combo to protect your ADC. Use
to transform the enemy in a critter (they can´t get out so don´t waste skills), shield
Help, Pix!
on your Carry to utilize [ardent censor] BEFORE you made some basic attacks. If you don´t have [ardent censor] yet consider adding a basic attack before shielding your ally. The ultimate [lulu:ult] is relatively useless when your adc is full health but don´t you dare letting them die before using it.
[locket] is a great item for this:"Oh no shield moment"

Originally a combo for lulu adc but it can be useful when you need a quick burst damage on your opponent (90% of the time would not recommend to waste flash)

Use your ult and make an ADC happy, today!
Lulu Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Early Game
I always start with
Amplifying Tome
and follow my ADC to wherever they desire. If you join in an early fight unlock
for a 2v2 since it prevents them from using [flash].
Once you reached the red buff or blue buff, help out your jungler use your
Help, Pix!
to provide them with some help since your damage isn´t really that much.
Once you arrive in lane and don´t see the enemy consider dropping a
in the bush. It will provide you with vision since
Pix, Faerie Companion
basically is a flying ward.
The laning phase is relatively simple:
- Avoid poke
- shield your ally from poke when they go for a last hit
- Use
Help, Pix! +
Glitterlance to poke the enemy back
- provide vision around the river and keep an eye on the minimap
- you don´t have to look too much for minion hp so focuse on the map and make sure your team is safe
Once you get your first coins go back and buy
Aether Wisp
for extra movement speed and AP. Get that
Ardent Censer
even if the value is quite small in the start of the game. 2v2´s are usually super close so it will ensure your win.

Mid Game
You should have an active item [locket enchant],
Redeeming Enchant
etc. and a stat item
Ardent Censer
Make sure you either stick with your adc or hover between midlane and dragon lane. Help out in teamfights and always make sure to take a look at the minimap. Call out shots, ping dangerous areas, provide and deny vison with[sweeping lense].
Rule of thumb before teamfights and objectives:
- How many enemies will you face?
- Will you need to interrupt a skill? [katarina:ult] ,
Bullet Time ,
Twilight Shroud ,
- How is your adc doing? Are they infront or behind in gold?
- Is the fight worth taking or could your team do something else?
- Ping out your cooldowns
- Call out spells the enemy is lacking (eg. Ziggs no flash, no ult etc.)
- Identify win conditions: (is the enemy late or early game, are they all AD or AP, do they lack poke or sustain?)
Always think about how you can help/support your team the most. Every single bit helps

Late Game
You are great in this stage of the game and your ADC is even better. You will have an awesome time so stick with them, provide vision do your magic.
Keep your
Wild Growth
ready to save their life, ward Baron and dragon pit
Rule of thumb for late game:
- How many enemies will you face?
- Will you need to interrupt a skill? (
Death Lotus ,
Bullet Time ,
Twilight Shroud
- How is your adc doing? Are they infront or behind in gold?
- Is the fight worth taking or could your team do something else
- Ping out your cooldowns
- Call out spells the enemy is lacking (eg. Ziggs no flash etc.)
- Identify win conditions: (is the enemy late or early game, are they all AD or AP, do they lack poke or sustain?)
- Ping out death cooldowns of the enemy (jungler is dead?ping and go for drake?)
- watch the lanes and make sure you ping before a huge wave is crashing into your turrets
Yes supports are just standing around (visually) but your game is 70% the map and making sure your team is receiving everything they need.
"You can carry a bad ADC but you can´t carry a bad support"