[2.0.0] Ultimate Lulu Guide - by Excoundrel
Ultimate Lulu Guide - by Excoundrel
Lulu Build
Best Build Guide for Lulu

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
So we ALWAYS start with
Boots of Speed
. By the first dragon you want to have a usable item and one of the most cost-efficient items in the game is the [Locket Enchant] for boots. You only need 1000 gold from when the game starts to finish [Locket Enchant] and it's usually going to be the first thing you buy when you head back to base. This is important as it gives us an item that has team-wide impact for the first dragon, and it handily helps negate damage from Kennen who is currently present in almost every game.
Your first item will be dependent on the ADC you are paired with;
If you are with an attack-speed dependent ADC such as
, [kaisa] or even
Miss Fortune
you will want to pick up
Ardent Censer
as your first tier 3 item. This gives your ADC a significant boost in their DPS output. In general, I go Ardent first when I'm paired with every single ADC with the exception of
. Even
benefits from an Ardent Censer so I will usually keep this build path for most ADC pairings.
When I am paired with
I usually skip Ardent altogether and pick up
Harmonic Echo
as my first item. This is because Attack Speed is not as effective on Jhin, especially early game. I may consider an Ardent Censer later into the game.
Otherwise, my standard build will always be
Ardent Censer
Harmonic Echo
Athene's Unholy Grail
This is situational, Lulu gets a lot of utility with AP scaling and therefore I often go
Rabadon's Deathcap
as the AP increase boosts the health gain from [lulu:ult], her shield value on
Help, Pix!
, Pix's damage from
Pix, Faerie Companion
and the movement speed boost that
provides. I almost never get to finish Deathcap in the majority of games that I play but even a
Needlessly Large Rod
will help boost Lulu's utility output significantly.
I don't often pick up things like
Protector's Vow
Zeke's Convergence
mostly because Lulu has such a low base HP value that she doesn't make use of these items particularly well. Zeke's is never usually a good idea as you need to be in the middle of the enemy team for this to be effective and you usually want to be close to or behind your ADC. Protectors vow is a better choice for a situational defensive item as you are often shadowing your ADC and the extra resistances can be of use.
I have seen some high elo Lulu's legitimately go
Guardian Angel
because the item is still really good. I've never personally picked it up but if you are being focused at the beginning of the fight by an assassin and you can't cast any spells to buff your ADC then you can consider this or a [stasis enchant] to help keep you safer in teamfight situations.
Lulu Runes
Best Runes for Lulu

Summon Aery is the only choice for the majority of enchanter supports right now.
I pair this with Brutal most of the time for early lane dominance however Weakness is perfectly fine also.
Loyalty is the best rune in the resolve tree and Hunter Genius following that.
I don't think many other rune setups beat this, however, runes are situational and I would encourage you to understand when and where they are useful.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Lulu Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Poke level 1 with
Help, Pix!
depending on your choice of first ability.
When he looks for a
combo you can just use
to polymorph him or his ADC and negate the trade.
Be careful level 5+ as he can look to set up a tower dive.

Where to find me!
Cheers for reading my
guide, I am a Diamond support main on the EU servers but I also have a relatively large YouTube channel:
Feel free to pop over and check out my other videos :)