[2.1a] Ultimate Jinx Guide (2.1A)
Ultimate Jinx Guide (2.1A)
Jinx Build
Best Build Guide for Jinx

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Starter Item
Long Sword is the best option for clean farming and poking.
First Recalls
B.F. Sword great option to recall when efficient to get this as it provides a lot of AD.
Cloak of Agility is bought as a second item to build into
Infinity Edge .
Gluttonous Greaves or just basic
Boots of Speed depending on how fast you wish to get
Infinity Edge .
vs All
This is the main build I use for most encounters and especially will now be focussing more on due to the recent big nerf to
Blade of the Ruined King
. It focuses heavily on massive critical strike damage, AOE with your [Switcheroo!]s Fishbones and greater distancing and damage via an earlier
Rapid Firecannon
Infinity Edge is my go to purchase for great early damage and crit. Increasing your attack speed on when you already benefit from our [Switcheroo!] It is much more beneficial to focus on damage and crit initially with this build.
Runaan's Hurricane is probably the one if not the most important part of our kit as it allows our rockets now to crit on multiple targets, and deal splash critical damage to anyone nearby. Not only that but it gives a massive boost to our attack speed.
Gluttonous Greaves at this point you should be considering upgrading especially if you are suffering with CC. If so, upgrade this immediately to
Quicksilver Enchant . It might be an idea to purchase [stasis enchant] instead if suffering against ganks from champions such as
Fizz or
Zed when you're shield is no longer enough to prevent them from one shotting you with their ultimate. Be very careful about picking this though as you will then lack both the escape mechanic and movement speed boost that you'd get from
Quicksilver Enchant .
Rapid Firecannon has become a favourite of mine as I find being able to do more damage, at greater speed and at even more range with my rockets is something not to be overlooked.
Mortal Reminder is when getting nearer the late game amazing as it shreds through naturally tanky champions such as
Malphite and
Alistar or those who've built more armour into the late game. Grievous Wounds is also an incredible debuff to put on the enemies in the end game.
Blade of the Ruined King despite it's nerf remains a solid pick as a last resort if you're not struggling elsewhere as it allows for better kiting and also to slow down enemies to catch them. The added life steal is great form of extra sustain and coupled with the additional attack speed, this is still a phenomenal pick.
vs Heal
I typically only use this build if they have someone champions with lots of healing potential such as
Dr. Mundo
on their team to counter their healing by picking up
Mortal Reminder
slightly earlier. This will be the exact same build as before but instead of building it as your 5th item, build it as your 4th to help with the team fights earlier on to negate those pesky heals.
vs Dive
The reason for this build is to play against dive like and potentially more tank like heroes, champs such as
which all can dive in and potentially then be left vulnerable if they miss. You will find yourself loving picking up
Blade of the Ruined King
much earlier as it'll shred through them and allow you to chase and kite them easier. I won't go into explaining the other items as they've already been touched on.
It sometimes might be beneficial depending on the matchup to have certain defensive items in your toolkit instead of the more aggressive ones listed. In such case some of the below are great options.
Guardian Angel is generally the best defensive option if you can make use of its Resurrection ability in team fights. However, if you can't manage it properly and make sure to stay alive after it's popped, it becomes meaningless. Hence, it might be better picking one of the following instead.
Phantom Dancer is a great option to counter burst AD champions who are carrying.
Maw of Malmortius is a great option to counter burst AP champions or against a heavy AP team.
Bloodthirster is a solid choice, great AD with a huge boost to your sustain, pick if you're struggling a little and it's not too much incoming burst damage.
Jinx Runes
Best Runes for Jinx

Without Lulu
Conqueror: Jinx is amazing at stacking the adding damage that this rune provides, is a must pick.
Gathering Storm: Due to how well Jinx scales into the late game, this I feel is the best one, however you might want to opt for a solid earlier game choice such as Brutal if you feel it might prevent you being snowballed.
Hunter Titan: By the end game, you should have more than enough damage to be able to secure all if not most of those unique champion take downs. Great health boost and tenacity. Another solid option is Spirt Walker if you feel that you're up against heavy slows and/or a team which is going to put early game pressure on you.
Sweet Tooth: Amazing for lane sustain and extra gold.

With Lulu
Conqueror: Jinx is amazing at stacking the adding damage that this rune provides, is a must pick.
Gathering Storm: Due to how well Jinx scales into the late game, this I feel is the best one, however you might want to opt for a solid earlier game choice such as Brutal if you feel it might prevent you being snowballed.
Hunter Titan: By the end game, you should have more than enough damage to be able to secure all if not most of those unique champion take downs. Great health boost and tenacity. Another solid option is Spirt Walker if you feel that you're up against heavy slows and/or a team which is going to put early game pressure on you.
Mastermind: With Lulu's buffs she provides to your attack speed, you have the capability of shredding through both turrets and epic monsters allowing you to put more pressure on the enemy team.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Zap to slow, lay the Flame Chompers slightly ahead of them, then secure big damage with Super Mega Death Rocket. Proceed to chase dealing damage with Pow-Pow or Fishbones depending on whether the enemy has flash and/or escape mechanic using the latter if they do. Flash to secure kill or escape.
Remember to use Shield within this combo if you know you'll take heavy damage.
Jinx Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
Due to
's recent changes, we'll have to see how this matchup now fairs with her current buffs so this matchup might be updated shortly.
However, this has always been a great matchup for you due to better power spikes, scaling and ability to bully her in the laning phase.

Lulu is the most broken support especially when coupled with
Jinx now and I still believe that despite her recent nerfs she'll still be the best champion by your side.
Sona and
Nami are both incredible in their own right and scale quite well with you, these are very solid picks to support you and if you can't secure a
Lulu , then definitely consider pairing with one of these.
Lux and
Seraphine : These go to great if they can hit their poke and CC but if they can't, then they fall down to being almost irrelevant.
Big thanks to wildriftguides.gg for publishing my guide on their front page as 'Guide of the Week'. Remember to feel free to reach me on my discord or by leaving a comment.