by Hyorr


Perfectionist World Cultural Heritage
Patch 2.6a
January 22, 2022 01:00


This guide will digest about how you suppose to be an ADC / Bot Lane in Wild Rift. A lot of players are playing disgusting bot lane. so as a loving community player, it's time for me to create a fucking guide regarding this lane.


  • Learn a lot for ADC player.


What is ADC?

ADC or Attack Damage Carry are the Marksmen of Wild Rift. They are called as such because they use their auto attack damage to carry their team. ADCs are very item dependent so they are required to focus on farming in the early game.

You will be passive for early game (unless you are early game marksman, explained next) for getting yourself items for carrying your team to victory. however the low HP and low armor / magic resist will make you easy food for everyone.

who are the ADC ?

Utility MarksmanThis set of champions doesn't need much items to become useful. usually because how high value their skill set to become impactful for team JhinJhin
Twisted FateTwisted Fate
Mid Game MarksmanThis set of champions demand 2 - 3 core items to become useful. DravenDraven
Miss FortuneMiss Fortune
Hyper Marksman / Hyper ReverseThis set of champions demands a lot of items to become useful. they are useless early - game but when it comes into mid - late game, they are monster to you need to protect for.

Hyper Reverse are champs  that has same trait as Hyper Marksman, however they are more into supporting team instead of dealing damage.

Hyper Reverse :
APCThis set of champions is a mage that able to play in duo lane for pressuring your opponent. ZiggsZiggs
Melee ADCThis set of champions are melee champions that able to play in duo lane. YasuoYasuo

Summoner's Spell

It up to debate which one are good for ADC, here's my take. 

Summoner's SpellMy Opinion
[heal]You can use this not only for healing, duh, but also speed up you and your support (or lowest health one in the area) to escape or chase.
[barrier]Alternative to [Heal] however i really think [Barrier] sucks. your shield can be blown up easily later in the game.
[ignite]This is my jam if [heal] is on my support. this is one of the best summoner's spell for taking kills and make them suffer at laning phase, remember, this one has anti heal, and if they low on health, there's a chance to kill your opponent and anti heal will cut their healing.
[ghost]don't take this one.
[exhaust]According to David "Phreak" Turley, a LCS shoutcaster and my inspiration doing guides, this is the best 1 vs 1 spell in case of your support roams or a TristanaTristana jumping to you, and also cutting their damage too? why not.

laning section (min. 1-3)

what you need to do is take every last hit from enemy minions and try to harass your opponent duo lane so they cannot farm. you can use your abilities or auto attack to make them scared to farm. do not try to getting dive into turret unless you are sure you get the kill AND GET OUT ALIVE. 

how you can determine you are able to go aggro or go passive are depends on :

  • Lane prio.
    This can be explained as, which champions are able to shove their lane faster than their enemy. but do not mindlessly shove your lane without any vision whatsoever. you will getting gank. Levi's guide already cover this good enough, and i recommend to read his/her guide.
  • You and your support champ.
    If your champion has engagement tool such as Enchanted Crystal ArrowEnchanted Crystal Arrow or Chain Of CorruptionChain Of Corruption and / or your support is a manly LeonaLeona you are able to threaten your opponent by landing your ult and combo with your support.
  • Items.
    If you have Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King faster than your enemy ADC you may go aggro against their ADC. remember who getting first item first, will have higher ground to fight.
  • Summoner's Spell.
    If you and your teammate has [Heal] / [Barrier] / [Flash] off cooldown, and you have see your enemy already used their summoner's spells, you may go.

use this time to get advantage as soon as possible and getting a lot of items.

Source :

Use this reference to how you lane with your support. NEVER EVER BREAK THE LINE BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR SUPPORT. you may go aggro when their support / ADC is off side.

Source :


Even for aggressive move, RakanRakan and Miss FortuneMiss Fortune do not break that 'line' so always keep the 'line' intact so in case of gank by their mid lane you still can be saved by your support.


teamfight section

Have you got your first item at your first recall? good. now you're on minute 4.

The first team fight will break out at minute 4-5 as first drake will appear and gonna be fight or flight situation. 

Here's how you gonna think it is good enough to fight or get out and focus farming instead. keep this in mind on every team fight.

  1.  Any vision in that area?
    You will need vision around drake pit so you know who's knocking on the door.
  2.  Are my team nearby to take the fight?
    If it is 4 vs 5 do not take the fight because you are on disadvantage, and probably early ACE, and you don't want that happening early on.
  3. Are my summoner's spell off cooldown?
    Do not take the fight if your spell, especially [Flash] is on cooldown.
  4. Do i have plan to escape?
  5. Are my skills especially my ultimate off cooldown?

if it's good enough you may join the fight as you perhaps getting your items as soon as possible. stay with your support and make plan to escape so you will not die if the drake fight turn into sour. try to keep dealing damage as much as you can while landing your skill shot such as [varus:1] or Trueshot BarrageTrueshot Barrage and stay behind tanks / enchanter to make the fight even to your favor.

laning section (min 4 up)

Okay team fight is done, and you got the result of the fight. do not take rift herald with your team, you will need farm now for extending your lead against opponent's ADC or catching up if fall behind. remember, YOU ARE THE CARRY OF THE TEAM.

you got your 2 or 3 core items? good now stick with your team. the risk is getting higher now as every team fight can turn into objective like baron or drake or GG push. keep doing what you do on team fight, if you see more than 2 champ in one lane and your team is separated, go find a lane that you can farm and able to take plat turrets off. you need that gold, and if you don't see 3 champs in map, GET OUT from that lane. they are coming for you.

how to itemize

Every ADC / APC / Hyper Reverse has 2 / 3 core items. however you will need to adjust your items according to your opponent line up. 

Let's say.. you are against AP Assassins / AP in general such as mid lane AkaliAkali and jungle EvelynnEvelynn so you will need magic resist.

  • If you're ADC you may build Maw of MalmortiusMaw of Malmortius (for champ who doesn't auto attack much) or Wit's EndWit's End (vice versa)/ Death's DanceDeath's Dance that will give you magic resistance, magic shield and bleed passive from DD that make 30% damage you received turn into bleed (means delaying it) , making you a chance to fight back, include the lifeline from Maw, and Lifesteal from DD
  • If you're ADC / Hyper Reverse you may build Seraph's EmbraceSeraph's Embrace that lifeline will shield you from burst damage depending on your max mana. not only that you maybe want some movement speed items, and Protobelt EnchantProtobelt Enchant will give you that dash to try get out alive.

You're against tanks / high sustainability such as BraumBraum and NasusNasus or even Lee SinLee Sin

You're against AD Assassin such as ZedZed or YasuoYasuo

  • ADC may want to buy Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer as the lifeline aspect will give you shield to give you a chance to get out or fight back. Death's DanceDeath's Dance also a good idea for delaying the damage.
  • APC / Hyper Reverse may want to buy a lot item health items such as MorellonomiconMorellonomicon and Rod of AgesRod of Ages early on for more tankiness and scaling.

What about Guardian AngelGuardian Angel as a item?

In my opinion, yes it is good to revive yourself into the fight but usually it is keeping you away for the inevitable. so if you can get out or fight back, you may purchase this, but usually 80% this item sucks, not worth 3,4k gold at all. maybe you just can buy Death's DanceDeath's Dance or even BloodthirsterBloodthirster .

Enchantment :

There are 3 of my recommended enchantment.

Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant Very good for cleansing yourself from cc, however cannot cleanse airborne CC like Unstoppable ForceUnstoppable Force
[stasis enchant]Very good to buying time for your skill to become off cooldown and able to delay burst damage from ZedZed or KatarinaKatarina
Teleport EnchantTeleport Enchant Need to be somewhere else? use this instead and you will be there immediately. very good if you able to back door with minions.

Do / Don't as ADC

Last hit minionsOverextending
Recall on timeFeeding
Read the mapGetting chain CC

Recomendation champ

DifficultyExplanationChampions (Bold is recommended champ for ranked)
Easy Skill ExpressionThis champ list has a lot of easy champ to learn and good for beginner ADC. however low outplay maneuver.  AsheAshe
Miss FortuneMiss Fortune
Medium Skill ExpressionThis champ list require medium knowledge of champ, good map awareness. has medium outplay maneuver. LucianLucian
Twisted FateTwisted Fate
High Skill ExpressionThis champ list require very high time of being ADC, great map awareness, has very high outplay maneuver, able to turn around the fight with the crazy play and able 1 vs 9. XayahXayah

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