[3.5b] Morgana Guide - Enchantress Morgana Support
Enchantress Morgana Support
Morgana Build
Best Build Guide for Morgana

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Your starting support item should be BASED on your GOAL/INTENTION, which depends on your team composition and enemy composition.
Relic Shield
is ideally good if you're VS-ing against poke and aggressive lanes.
- If you're VS-ing against heavy poke lane, such as
Karma ,
Nami ,
Lux ,
Caitlyn ,
Varus , and many others. Then it's ideal for you to play safely.
- Aside from heavy poke lanes, you need to buy
Relic Shield against aggresive lanes, such as
Leona ,
Thresh ,
Nautilus ,
Pyke ,
Blitzcrank , and many other hook champions.
- The reason why you want this against such champions because you're not pressured to interact with the enemy champions to earn gold. You just need to last hit minions and that's all.
Spectral Sickle
is the best choice if you think that you can play aggressively in the lanes.
- Choosing this support item really depends on the LEVEL OF YOUR CONFIDENCE. If you think that you can land accurate bindings most of the time, then
Spectral Sickle might be a good choice for you.
- You can also pick
Spectral Sickle if you're VS-ing against poke and aggressive lanes since the
Tormented Shadow has a long range, which makes it easier for YOURSELF to stack up the money from a safe distance.
- The problem with
Spectral Sickle is the lack of sustain during the laning phase for YOU and YOUR ADC. If you're taking pokes from poke lanes, such as
Caitlyn +
Lux , then
Spectral Sickle will not help you in your lane.
Season 7 only introduced ONE support item for Mage and Enchanter supports, and that is:
Imperial Mandate
. For Season 8, there's nothing new for them. Although
Imperial Mandate
to hit accurate bindings, it synergizes pretty well with her
Dark Binding
. Yes,
Dark Binding
is difficult to land, but it's rewarding enough to burst down the enemy ADC. Hence, it is REQUIRED for you to max
Dark Binding
Imperial Mandate
to fulfill the BURST DAMAGE.
The second core item is
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
. Because
Tormented Shadow
is a long-range AOE spell,
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
synergizes with
Tormented Shadow
. It also triggers the passive of your
Imperial Mandate
Tormented Shadow
. Since
Tormented Shadow
is more of a "catch" support, i.e., she often uses her ability to pick off kills, the
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
will make it easier for her and her teammates to get kills.
The third item is
Protector's Vow
. The base shield of
Protector's Vow
scales with BONUS HEALTH, which is the health status gained from your items, and those are
Imperial Mandate
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
. You can honestly replace
Protector's Vow
with buff support items, such as
Ardent Censer
Staff of Flowing Waters
, depending on your goal. If you think that buffing your allies is more important to your game, then replace
Protector's Vow
with the buff support items. If you think survivability is better, then go for
Protector's Vow
NOTE: Personally, I buy support buffing tools as my situational items, and would usually go for
Protector's Vow
The only boots that I usually go with is the
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
. Since I am playing as an enchantress support, I should be always on the back line. I'm not a fun of buying defensive boots as an enchantress player in general.
, and others.
Veil Enchant
is the MOST CONSISTENT enchantment on
. When I say "CONSISTENT," it means that the relevance of this item throughout the game HAS ALWAYS BEEN helpful in ALL SCENARIOS. Since
can only use
Black Shield
on one person,
Veil Enchant
will help you save two allies from deadly crowd controls.
Redeeming Enchant
is good against team composition with HEAVY DPS champions. If your allies are MOSTLY tanks and bruisers. Then, this enchantment is a decent pick. If the enemy team has A LOT of tanks and bruisers, then
Redeeming Enchant
is also a decent pick. This enchantment is fun to use, but it is EASILY COUNTERED by anti-heal items.
[Locket enchant] is ideal against AOE Magic damages from champions, such as
, and AP
. Usually, the goal of these champions is to deal a "one-hit combo" to kill your allies. If they unleashed all their abilities, and your team has managed to survive because of [locket enchant] then the enemies don't have any abilities available to use, so your allies can finish them off.
[stasis enchant] is best if you think that you need to execute a [flash] and [morgana:ult] to win teamfights. The problem with this enchantment is that the enemy can easily run away from you if you're in a stasis mode. [Stasis enchant] is also good to bait enemy divers, such as
Master Yi
Another fun enchantment is
Gargoyle Enchant
, you can execute a 5-man [Morgana:ult] while being able to catch up with the running enemies. Yes,
Gargoyle Enchant
reduces the damage you deal, but this utility build for
DOES NOT specialize in damage.
NOTE: I have tried these enchantments on
, and my most favorite is
Veil Enchant
There is only one slot for your situational item. You need to pick 1 of the 6 options that you think is the BEST CHOICE for the condition of the game.
Ardent Censer is BENEFICIAL if majority of your teammates benefit from "on-hit" damage. Champions that need to ATTACK FASTER include
Vayne ,
Varus ,
Kai'sa ,
Yone ,
Yasuo ,
Gwen , and many other champions. However, there will be times when only one of your allies benefit from it. You can buy
Ardent Censer if you think that this one ally of yours can help you win the game. It really all boils down to the CONDITION of the game.
Staff of Flowing Waters is HELPFUL if majority of them benefit from their abilities and ability haste. These champions include
Ezreal ,
Graves ,
Jhin ,
Miss Fortune and many other champions. However,
Staff of Flowing Waters just got recently nerfed, and I rarely buy this item on my games. If you still want to build this item then you can freely do it.
Harmonic Echo is ONLY good as a SUSTAIN TOOL IF AND ONLY IF the enemy DOES NOT have anti-heal items.
Harmonic Echo becomes CONSISTENT in the game as a BUFFING TOOL. You can only shield one person in your team, but, with the passive of
Harmonic Echo , it helps you proc the effects of
Ardent Censer and
Staff of Flowing Waters to the other 3 allies.
- If I want to use
Harmonic Echo as a wide-spread buffing tool, then I would replace
Protector's Vow with either
Ardent Censer or
Staff of Flowing Waters .
- If I want to use
Banshee's Veil provides the self-peel that
Morgana lacks once she uses her
Black Shield on her allies. A good scenario to use
Banshee's Veil is when you VS against
Nautilus . If
Nautilus used his
Dredge Line on your ally, you would more likely use
Black Shield on that targeted ally. The
Nautilus can use this opportunity to use
Depth Charge at you since you already used your
Black Shield on your ally. With
Banshee's Veil , it gives additional protection for yourself.
Frozen Heart got a decent buff in Season 7. It has 30 Ability Haste for a 2.7k gold. It also has a passive that counters on-hit champions, such as
Caitlyn ,
Akshan ,
Vayne ,
Lucian , and many others. I would personally buy this item if majority of the enemy team composition has on-hit champions.
Zeke's Convergence is IDEAL if there are lot of enemy bruisers on either your team or the enemy's. This situational item synergizes well with
Gargoyle Enchant .
Morgana Runes
Best Runes for Morgana

Summon Aery
is the ONLY decent keystone for UTILITY
Support. It scales throughout the game and makes [morgana:3] a bit bigger in the late game. It also helps with small pokings during the laning phase and blocks some damages that might help your carries survive from the damages.
For the DOMINATION RUNE, there are two runes that you can go with:
Scorch is pretty mediocre on
Morgana as a poking tool in the early game. If you want to poke for the laning phase, then you need to pair
Scorch with
Manaflow Band with
Spectral Sickle for your quest item.
For the RESOLVE RUNE, my personal favorite for
Ultimate Shield
for your early aggressive gameplays.
- Basically, when
Morgana reaches level 5 for her [morgana:ult], you can play aggressively in the lane.
- If you reached level 5, you can do the Combo #3.
- If you want to play with
Ultimate Shield , you would usually want to engage the teamfight by walking up then ulting.
- With
Ultimate Shield , it will help you survive the early teamfights a little bit longer.
For the INSPIRATION RUNE, there are three runes that work well with UTILITY
Manaflow Band for more mana and better laning phase.
- If you want this rune, it is best for you to buy
Spectral Sickle as well so that you can efficiently poke.
- You might also want to use
Scorch rune for the domination for stronger pokes.
- If you want this rune, it is best for you to buy

Summon Aery
is the ONLY decent keystone for UTILITY
Support. It scales throughout the game and makes [morgana:3] a bit bigger in the late game. It also helps with small pokings during the laning phase and blocks some damages that might help your carries survive from the damages.
For the DOMINATION RUNE, there are two runes that you can go with:
Weakness goes REALLY WELL with MAX [morgana:1] and
Imperial Mandate for the burst damage.
For the RESOLVE RUNE, my personal favorite for
Ultimate Shield
for your early aggressive gameplays.
- Basically, when
Morgana reaches level 5 for her [morgana:ult], you can play aggressively in the lane.
- If you reached level 5, you can do the Combo #3.
- If you want to play with
Ultimate Shield , you would usually want to engage the teamfight by walking up then ulting.
- With
Ultimate Shield , it will help you survive the early teamfights a little bit longer.
For the INSPIRATION RUNE, there are three runes that work well with UTILITY
Hunter Genius for more ability haste so that you could spam your abilities more often.
- Enchantresses in general thrive by spamming their abilities during teamfights.
- Hence, more ability haste is more power in the teamfights.
Pack Hunter is good against engage supports so that you can easily side step the hooks. It will also help you walk with your ADC during the laning phase so that you will always be on range to use [morgana:3] on them.
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

The damage from
Tormented Shadow
is really irrelevant in the late game, but it has a contribution in the early-to-mid game laning phase.

If you want to execute a [flash] + [morgana:ult], it is better for you to use
Black Shield
on yourself so that you will not be stunned or slowed while chasing your escaping enemies.

Soul Shackles
first before your
Dark Binding
is the SAFEST combo to land a guaranteed crowd control chain.

This combo can ONLY be done in Wild Rift and not in League of Legends PC. You need to be very quick with your hand mechanics while doing this. This combo gives you an unexpected binding to your enemy and can help you win teamfights!
Morgana Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

I'm not just a random
player. In fact, I've been playing League of Legends. I started to play the game (the PC version obivously) back in 2011. I've been interested to play support since majority of its champion pools is females (oops). I dedicated myself into playing the game in 2017, where I learned a lot of things, especially in the support role. Back in 2017, Athene's Unholy Grail was still there, and I used it with
. I also still used it with
until it got removed in Wild Rift.
My highest rank at that time was Platinum IV with 49 wins and 9 losses. I didn't play much ranked games back then because I had "ranked anxiety," where I was legitimately scared of playing ranked because I was scared of losing what I worked hard for. Now, I still have it, but I just play ranked games without questions.
For Season 7, I reached Grandmaster in SEA region with 66% win rate on
while a total of 64% in all of my games.

Dark Binding
Black Shield
really DEPENDS on your GOAL.
Dark Binding
If you want to play aggressively against easy or skill match-ups, then maxing
Dark Binding
is the way to go.
- Maxing
Dark Binding will REQUIRE you to BURST DOWN squishy enemies with your
Imperial Mandate as your 1st core item.
- If you want to play with max
Dark Binding , you need to aim it at squishy enemies, such as the enemy ADC, rather than the engage supports.
- However, if you think that it is CRUCIAL for you to bind the enemy front lines or divers, then you can bind them.
Black Shield
Black Shield
is the STANDARD skill distribution against engage supports (easy match-ups) because
Black Shield
SCALES with level. This means that if you max
Black Shield
, its cooldown reduction reduces, and it even reduces further with your ability haste items!
- Since engage supports would often use their abilities to secure kills, max
Black Shield can cope up with their kill threats during laning phase and teamfights.

After deciding which abilities to max first, your choice of 1ST CORE ITEM will also be affected.
Dark Binding
Imperial Mandate
As we all know,
Dark Binding
has a BIG BASE DAMAGE and AP RATIO, which are enough to deal tons of damage to squishy enemies.
- With that,
Imperial Mandate as your 1st core item will add enough damage to BURST DOWN squishy enemies!
- If you even pair it with
Weakness , then you and your allies will do even more tons of damage to your preys!
- Going for
Protector's Vow while maxing
Dark Binding is also okay, but you would really want to play around your BURST DAMAGE potential if you're maxing
Dark Binding .
Black Shield
Protector's Vow
Black Shield
is done because we want to play defensively and have a safer laning phase. It would make much more sense if you buy
Protector's Vow
as your 1st core item for survivability for both you and your allies.

Instead of me putting individual notes on each skill match-up champions, I will be providing a general section.
Skill match-up games will really depend on your ability to catch these champions with your
Dark Binding
. Usually, in this match-ups your
Black Shield
is not big of a help and your role in the game is a "catcher" support. If
Black Shield
is a big of a help, skill match-up champions, such as
, can easily remove
Black Shield
, so you really have to use it WISELY and at the right moment!
- Skill match-up champions USUALLY OUTSHINES
Morgana when it comes to poking. For example,
Janna can easily aim her
Zephyr at you without having to exert much effort.
Morgana , on the other hand, has to accurately aim
Dark Binding at them.
- You can POKE these enemies with
Scorch +
Spectral Sickle +
Manaflow Band if you want to be as aggressive as the enemy supports, BUT it is not a necesary thing to do.
- Overall, you just need to survive laning phase without dying a lot or missing tons of gold and experience.
- If you want to play for the late game, then you need to use
Weakness instead of
Scorch .
- It's because it will SYNERGIZE well with your MAX [MORGANA:1] +
Imperial Mandate to burst down your squishy preys!
- It's because it will SYNERGIZE well with your MAX [MORGANA:1] +
- In these match-ups, intstead of
Morgana nullifying the engage capabilities of her enemy supports,
Morgana becomes a catcher of squishy enemies so that your carries can easily secure the kills!

Instead of me putting individual notes on each easy match-up champions, I will be providing a general section.
is the BEST enchantress to VS against engage supports because of her
Black Shield
- The playstyle of engage supports is to dominate early game. This is why you would see that 95% of the engage support players choose [ignite] so that they could secure early kills and present stronger kill threats during the laning phase.
- Majority of the enchanters have a difficult time coping with a very good engage supports, but with
Morgana and her
Black Shield , the early aggression from the engage supports can be easily denied.
- For example,
Thresh with his
Flay +
Death Sentence combo can easily burst down your ADC, but with
Black Shield , your ADC can safely take last-hit without the threat of being killed.
- SUMMARY: Engage supports win the games by having an early lead by being aggressive in lane. To counter their general strategy,
Morgana can be used as a counter-pick and provide you and your ADC a safer laning phase.
- The reason why engage supports are an easy match-up for
Morgana because she can easily nullify the engage capabilities of these champions.
- The reason why engage supports are an easy match-up for
can easily nullify the relevance of engage supports, she can only use
Black Shield
on one person for every 6-7 seconds (at max level with full items). Hence, you need to use her
Black Shield
- Your positioning during the laning phase SHOULD ALWAYS be away from the enemy engage supports and you should be beside or behind your ADC.
- Make sure to not be too far from the minion wave so that you will not be losing experience and gold.
- The reason why you want to be away from the enemy engage support and be beside or behind your ADC is because you want to hover your
Black Shield easily on your target AT THE RIGHT MOMENT. By doing so, you can EASILY react to the situation.
- The reason why you want to shield AT THE RIGHT MOMENT is because
Black Shield has a VERY LONG COOLDOWN especially during the early game. At point-1
Black Shield , its cooldown is roughly 10 seconds.
- The reason why you want to shield AT THE RIGHT MOMENT is because
- HOWEVER! If you are confident, you can stand in front of the engage support from a distance to bait them into using their crowd controls, such as
Dredge Line , to you and easily hit them with
Dark Binding and punish them!

Enchantress Utility
is played just like with any other enchantreses.
- You need to stay on the backline while shielding and spamming your bindings.
- If you want to pick off kills as
Morgana , use
Dark Binding from the "shadows."
- That is: use it while you're in a bush, behind a wall, or anywhere where the enemy champions cannot see you.
Dark Binding is one of the hardest skillshots to land because of its slow animation.

power spike
The 1ST peak of
's powerspike is when she reaches level 5.
Soul Shackles can easily target enemies as long as they are in range.
- If the enemies don't respect
Morgana if she's charging at them, then you can easily use
Soul Shackles to them.
- Before landing
Dark Binding , you need to wait for the stun to happen.
- If the stun is almost finished, it is the right time to land
Dark Binding for an effective crowd control chain!
- The reason why you want to ult first so that you could easily land
Dark Binding .
- Before landing
- If they flashed before you could stun them with your ult, then it is already a good trade off.
- The CD of [flash] is longer than that of
Soul Shackles .
- With this, you can easily use
Soul Shackles again or scare them off.
- The CD of [flash] is longer than that of
The 2ND peak of her powerspike is when she has
Imperial Mandate
and maxed
Dark Binding
for the burst damage on squishy enemies.
- The 3-second bind duration from
Dark Binding +
Weakness +
Imperial Mandate combo are enough to kill squishy preys!
The FINAL peak of her powerspike is when she is in full build, in which she has roughly 60 to 75 ability haste.
- At her final form,
Morgana can spam
Dark Binding every 4 to 5 seconds.
Black Shield has 5 to 6 seconds.
- Generally, enchantresses THRIVE in long teamfights by providing utilities; that is: spamming bindings and shieldings.

The Right time to use ULT
I know we all love to see a 5-man
Soul Shackles
, but, in most actual scenarios, it only becomes successful for 10% of the game. Why?
- Enemies can easily [flash] away or dash away from you once you did a [flash] +
Soul Shackles combo.
- If you do a 5-man ult, these 5 people will run away from you to different directions, which makes it VERY DIFFICULT for you.
- Not only they're running from you, but they are also damaging you while they're running from you.
- [stasis enchant] might help you survive a bit longer while being kited to death. However, while in stasis mode, the enemies can just run away from you.
- This is why sometimes I go for
Gargoyle Enchant *FOR FUN* so that I could chase the running enemies down.
- This is why sometimes I go for
Personally, I use
Soul Shackles
to PUNISH enemy divers.
- For example, when
Master Yi , [aatrox], and any all-in champions decided to dive into our backline, I would use
Soul Shackles to punish them!
- If they're being chained, they have two choices: 1) Run away from you; or 2) Commit into diving.
- If they committed into diving, you can punish them with a CC chain; that is: after stunning them, you hit them with a bind, so that they're CC-ed to death.

Is AP Morgana Worth It?
As we already know, the AP ratio of
Dark Binding
is 90%! That is a huge and deadly skill that can easily delete squishy enemies. Her
Black Shield
also has decent AP ratio with 70% that helps you give big shields. Generally,
can definitely be used as a damage dealer in the game. However, there are some cons to it:
- AP items, such as
Luden's Echo ,
Liandry's Torment ,
Void Staff , and others, are TOO EXPENSIVE for your support role.
- Have you noticed a particular statement during your match loadout about the support role? Look at the image below!
- It says: Supports OFTEN play in the dragon lane because they're not as DEPENDENT on defeating enemy minions and can protect their partner.
- Have you noticed a particular statement during your match loadout about the support role? Look at the image below!
- In other words, the relevance of support role is ALREADY in their abilities, in the case of
Morgana , her
Dark Binding and
Black Shield .
- It means that the binding duration of her
Dark Binding will always be the same without the help of any items.
- It also means that
Black Shield will ALWAYS and ALWAYS block crowd controls with or without items.
- It means that the binding duration of her
- Hence, you would notice that ACTUAL SUPPORT ITEMS, such as
Imperial Mandate , are MUCH CHEAPER than your AP items, such as
Luden's Echo .
- Yes, you can still buy
Luden's Echo in the game, but you will be able to buy it later than sooner.
- Hence, you would notice that ACTUAL SUPPORT ITEMS, such as
- The last disadvantage is: you are much more pressured to hit accurate
Dark Binding since you're playing to be the damage dealer.
- As a
Morgana main, I know how difficult it is to land
Dark Binding , and if you missed it as a FULL AP
Morgana , then your relevance in the game is not thoroughly consistent!
- Another is:
Morgana 's crowd control kit is EASILY COUNTERED by Magic Resistance Items, such as
Mercury's Treads , which reduces the stun and binding durations of your kit.
- Imagine spending A LOT OF MONEY just to be irrelevant in the game. Therefore, it's SAFER and BETTER to go for Enchantress Utility
Morgana build if you really want to win.
- Yes,
Imperial Mandate would pretty much require you to also land accurate
Dark Binding , but you don't have to spend tons of money for it. It only costs 2.5k, which you could already buy in the first 5-6 minutes of the game!
- What if your enemies DON'T KNOW HOW TO ITEMIZE AGAINST
Morgana ? Then you can free to build FULL AP
Morgana because
Morgana PUNISHES bad players, but EASILY GETS PUNISHED by good players.
- As a
BOTTOM LINE: You can still play FULL AP
, but your relevance in the game is in risk of easily falling off. Why? Because you won't have much contributions in the game if you're missing your
Dark Binding
and if the enemies have already bought
Mercury's Treads