by CoffeePrince

[2.1a] v2.1a Wild Rift Pocket Guide: Top Tier Champions

Patch 2.1a
March 14, 2021 22:28

v2.1a Wild Rift Pocket Guide: Top Tier Champions

Extended guide from an application I develop Wild Rift Pocket Guide

Changes v2.1a

I'll keep a record of Tiers so that readers can compare the previous one to the latest one. ❤️ Please leave a like/heart if this guide helps you thanks. You can find the button at the top of this article. You can read the previous tier here:

KatarinaKatarina - Class S (New Champion)

Katarina is a teamfight monster due to her specialty of lowering her abilities cooldown after a successful takedown. The damage is insane specially when ahead of items. Her nature of fighting style puts herself closer to enemies which made her susceptible to crowd controls and speaking of CC several champions counter her real hard. You can read my Katarina Guide here

CamilleCamille - Class A  >  Class S

I understimate her. Camille has a kit with high outplay capability and insane mobility which she can use to escape ganks easily. She can act as an Assassin during teamfight and pursuit backline champions kill them and then escape safely most of the time. Camille can contest all Class S Baron Laner with the correct usage and timing of her abilities thus dominating them.

JhinJhin - Class S > Class A

Jhin has a very useful utilities, his Third Skill Captive AudienceCaptive Audience can be use for map control and his Ultimate Curtain CallCurtain Call can kill escapees and steal Dragon/Baron you just need to have a good position to hit the target but he kind of fall off in late game where teamfight happen left and right plus he has poor mobility and is squishy AF. Marksman with Attack Speed as their main supporting damage and has defensive/mobility skills are more ideal in late game

AnnieAnnie Class C > Class A

She went from the lowest to the second highest tier. In the recent SEA Esports (Watch it here) Annie was chosen several times in pro match that is because some of the most OP champions like OriannaOrianna and Aurelion SolAurelion Sol have been banned in most matches but why do they settle in choosing Annie then? Well Annie is a Mage hybrid Support so she can shield ally, herself or Tibbers using Molten ShieldMolten Shield and she has conditional stun on her PyromaniaPyromania . In addition to that Annie can do One-Hit-Combo on most squishy enemies and her Ultimate Skill Summon: TibbersSummon: Tibbers plus stun from passive can be devastating if landed well to a group of enemy champions. She can never be Class S due to her poor mobility and being squishy AF too.

ZiggsZiggs Class C > Class A

Ziggs was a preferred pick as well in SEA Esports (Watch it here). He specializes in zoning using Hexplosive MinefieldHexplosive Minefield and has advantage over destroying towers using Satchel ChargeSatchel Charge . Ziggs is built to deal damage that's why he is most likely to have the highest damage over champions and towers after a match but he has weaker crowd control, lack of mobility and die easily by Assassins and Fighters. His Ultimate Mega Inferno BombMega Inferno Bomb can snipe enemies from the nearest lane and can be use to steal Baron and Dragon but timing and a little bit of luck is required

Jarvan IvJarvan Iv Class B > Class S

Ohhhhhhh that's a quite jump right? Again Jarvan IV was a preferred pick in SEA Esports (Watch it here) they even ban him in some of their matches. Jarvan IV is a Tank hybrid Fighter plus he can jungle too. Okay, what was the reason why he's suddenly a Class S Champion? Jarvan IV scales very well from early to mid to late game and still be viable. He has durability and can intiate teamfight which is ideal for team composition. Ultimate Skill CataclysmCataclysm counters a lot of champions with no escape skill such as blink, teleport or dash however it can also be a hindrance to your allies, you can toggle it off if needed

DravenDraven Class S > Class A

It's no question that Draven is very strong in early game due to Spinning AxeSpinning Axe but he kind of fall off in late game unless you manage to get ahead of items, kills and golds then he can still dominate the game

EzrealEzreal Class S > Class A

Same reason with Draven, Ezreal kind of fall off in late game

Dr. MundoDr. Mundo Class B > Class A

Naturally Dr Muno's kit counter a lot of AP champions. He has insane heal from Ultimate SadismSadism and beginners underestimate him in early game so they end up being dominated by him. He was chosen in SEA Esports (Watch it here) too

NamiNami Class B > Class A

Nami's kit specializes in Move Speed her abilities requires aiming/timing most of the time but it can be very disruptive to enemies once affected. Her Ultimate Tidal WaveTidal Wave can change the tides of the game if positioned well. She was chosen in SEA Esports (Watch it here) too

Class S Tier

Class S Champions are the most effective and preferred pick by High Rank Players, here's why:

  • Champions like KennenKennen , WukongWukong and GragasGragas  have the highest possibility of changing the tides of the game due to their Area Of Effect (AoE) based Abilities with crowd controls. Their kit is perfect for teamfight
  • Can perform well through out the entire game specially in mid to late game.
  • Class S champions are typically very hard to use due to the nature of their skills so they are not beginner friendly in the first place 
  • Has 9,000-11,000 Champion Score by top players (although this is subjective due to some players have favoritism over champions but seeing this score in leaderboard means they are very effective in High Rank)
  • As of writing this article, the current version is v2.1a and banning system isn't implemented yet which means we don't have data who gets the most ban in rank game but once available expect these champions to be in the list simply because they are powerful and/or very effective in overall match
  • Loaded with a life saving kits obviously the Supports in this list but OriannaOrianna capable of doing burst damage while shielding ally is the reason why she's a Class S or most likely a Class S+ (I want to add more rank letters in tiers but we have few champions as of writing this article so let's stick to S/A/B/C for now) 
  • Capable of one-hit-combo while being able to escape after gank due to their high mobility and escape capability
  • Being able to counter other champions effectively is another reason I consider for a Class S champion for example YasuoYasuo and BraumBraum can nullify projectiles (I probably gonna create a separate article about Who Can Counter Who? Please support <3)
  • Specialties like Strong Pursuit, Conditional High Stats, Anti Escapees, Low Cooldown Spammable Skills, Scalability, Build Versatility, Lane/Role Versatility, Teamfight Presence, Multiple/Heavy Crowd Controls and being a Late Game Monster posses by these champions

Class A Tier

They are as powerful as Class S Tier but not as effective as they are in terms of everything. Some of these Class A can easily beat other Class S but I rank them according to their overall effectiveness in game. Class A Champions mostly excel in doing specific tasks for example TeemoTeemo has specialty over Map Control due to his Mushrooms Noxious TrapNoxious Trap but he is relatively weak in teamfight. ShyvanaShyvana on the other hand is simply an objective oriented champion thanks to her Fury Of The DragonbornFury Of The Dragonborn  but she's heavily reliant to Fury (her own version of mana). There are scenarios where she's mostly behind her allies doing Flame BreathFlame Breath to poke enemies if her Fury is not 100% full yet or probably killing jungle monsters/minions from a far to gain Fury while a teamfight is happening. These kind of dependency is what put these champions in class A but as I said they are still as powerful as Class S tier. Overall they are secondary pick by High Rank Players 

Class B Tier

Consider as viable champions. They still perform well in game but requires a lot of dependency to a specific matter to fully utilize their full potential. For example NasusNasus First Skill Siphoning StrikeSiphoning Strike is highly dependent on unique kills in order to scale its damage, if he can't do that then he'll be useless the whole match making him a risky choice. Another example we have is SeraphineSeraphine and SonaSona they require allies to get closer to them to provide support which puts their team in dangerous situation like a possible wombo combo for enemies to execute. Others are just squishy as hell and doesn't scale well in mid to late game

Class C Tier

Sad to say they perform poorly in game but hey that depends on your skill right? You can work this champion and still be a viable pick but expect a lot of drawbacks like TryndamereTryndamere on the other hand is highly dependent on Fury to unlock his full potential however he has weak laning phase, his Third Skill Spinning SlashSpinning Slash is very short in range, he has no crowd control except slow and very useless without his Ultimate Undying RageUndying Rage . SorakaSoraka on the other hand specializes in healing allies which can easily be counter using items with Grievous Wounds, she has no heavy crowd control except silence and conditional root from EquinoxEquinox unlike other support with direct stun, morph, slow etc...

Tier List

Link: Wild Rift Pocket Guide

This is an specific role/lane Tiers. You can download my app and check them out in Tiers Section. If you have suggestion, objection or any violent reaction about how I rank these champions please do so. 

  • Why do you think *insert champion* should be in *insert Class Letter* and explain why, don't be shy hehe

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Hello I'm CoffeePrince

I'm the developer of Wild Rift Pocket Guide and ML Pocket Guide. I love developing apps and creating guides or anything that I can contribute to the community specially helping beginners mastering their favorite champions and overall tips and tricks from the game.

Hey, I uploaded some High Elo Gameplays on my YouTube Channel already (Grandmaster to Challenger) and sometimes top players of their favorite champions and learn from them on how they execute things like item builds, runes, positioning, jungling, laning, zoning, poking, ganking or any gerund you can think of.

Quick Links:

Wild Rift Pocket Guide - If you like the app, darling you better give a review and star, I deserve it.

YouTube Channel - You can make me rich by subscribing to my channel for no reason hehe. 

Facebook Page - Send me a message if you have suggestion on my app or guides that I built here. Don't forget to like the page ok? Thanks

ign: coffeeprince#1771

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