[2.3] Vayne Guide - Shauna Vayne [In-Depth Guide 2.3c]
Shauna Vayne [In-Depth Guide 2.3c]
- insane duelling potential
- massive scaling into late game
- buffed in recent patch
- high skill cap while having simple mechanics
- weak early game
- short range
- basic attack dependent
Vayne Build
Best Build Guide for Vayne

Item Build Description
Additional information on the items
Blade of the Ruined King provides you with some great damage especially against tankier opponents which is where Vayne shines the most, it also steals some of the enemies movement speed which helps with your shorter range
Statikk Shiv is an amazing item in Wild Rift due to it´s high damage output. It also helps you in case you fight multiple opponents to spread your damage across more than one target.
- [Stasis Enchant] is probably the most used item for ADCs since it adds a panic button to your loadout and turns you into a glorious golden unkillable being for 2.5seconds
Gluttonous Greaves are a great way to double up on physical vampirism and keep you alive during prolonged fights
Infinity Edge is a must have at some point for almost every ADC since it adds a significant boost to your critical damage
Mortal Reminder as your last item really enhances your "lethality" (armor penetration) potential + the true damage from your loadout turns you into an unstoppable force
Quicksilver Enchant can be a choice but it requires good reaction time and even then does rarely offer the same value as [stasis enchant]
Guardian Angel can a good choice when you don´t face many tanky opponents but rather assassins. Switch out for
Mortal Reminder
Vayne Runes
Best Runes for Vayne

Conqueror will be your first choice and most times the best since it really helps you massively in prolonged fights
Hunter Vampirism is a great way to stack up some extra AD and gain even more heal with your loadout
Hunter Titan makes you harder to kill and provides you with more resistance against stuns (tenacity)
Sweet Tooth is the go to rune for ADCs especially when they are weak early-game to help you out with the laning phase

- There is a case to be made for
Fleet Footwork since it helps you a tiny bit in the early game but the trade of for
Conqueror isn´t worth it in my opinion
Gathering Storm is a viable rune but it extends your "weak phase" even longer so
Hunter Vampirism is the better choice
Brutal is a great rune to help with your weak early game so it´s worth to consider over a late game rune like
Hunter Vampirism
Second Wind or
Hunter Titan is a preference decision. Second Wind helps against poke damage whereas Hunter Titan helps overall
Sweet Tooth is the best choice since neither
Hunter Genius nor
Pack Hunter offer even nearly the same value
Skill Order
How to distribute skill points

Summoner Spells
When to take which summoners
Learn how to maximize the champions potential

Vayne is definitely no "combo champ" your damage relies on activating
Silver Bolts
and hit one target as much as possible

to reposition yourself and knock the enemy into a wall OR TURRET with
. Add
Silver Bolts
for added damage

This would probably be considered as an "all-in" combo. Meaning you use all skills. Your
Final Hour
will provide you a short amount of invisibility and help hitting your
follow up with Combo no.2
Vayne Matchups & Counters
Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters
doesn´t pose much threat to you since you outdamage her massively. Be aware of her ultimate
Enchanted Crystal Arrow
since it can be a gamechanger in 1v1s

Early Game Farming Advice
Starting of with a
Long Sword
is the way to go. It will build into your first T3 item
Blade of the Ruined King
. Help out your jungler if possible before you head to lane but make sure to reach it by 0.35min since that´s about the time when the first minion dies.
Be aware of any bush ganks when you arrive and start attacking the wave. You will most likely loose the wave push so relax and let it walk under your tower. When farming under your tower keep the following things in mind to effectively farm:
- You will most likely be pushed under your tower so make sure to hit minions last
- You are one of the weakest ADCs right now so don´t get overconfident
- Punish the enemy for overstepping but keep it to a short trade
- Keep an eye on your minimap, being pushed under tower is the perfect chance for your jungler to gank your lane. If that happens stay calm not to alert the enemy and only engage as soon as the jungler revealed themself
- If you manage to get ahead in gold. Don´t risk dying but try to deny the enemy last hits by using your
Condemn to push them away or engage with a quick
Tumble +
Silver Bolts combo
- Don´t get frustrated because of a weaker early game, you will carry later and redeem yourself

Teamfight advice
A few tips on improving your teamfight:
- Ask yourself if this teamfight is providing any advantage or is it purely for kills? Wild Rift is an objective game ALWAYS keep that in mind
- You are single target damage only so don´t switch targets too much, focuse one then the next after a takedown
- Your
Silver Bolts are amazing against tanks so don´t be afraid to target them if you can´t reach the adc in the backline
- "Front to back" is your best chance meaning you will target the closes enemy while staying as far away as possible, then move to the next enemy while still staying on max range
- Movement changes with
Tumble can throw of the enemy and make them loose you in a fight

Your carry time
Once you get your first items
Blade of the Ruined King
Statikk Shiv
Gluttonous Greaves
and maybe even a third item
Phantom Dancer
it´s time to fight.
- You will win most 1v1s in this stage of the game, especially while under
Final Hour
- Help with every teamfight that breaks out, you are the win condition in this stage of the game however try not to be in the frontline
- Don´t get caught alone = don´t run around the enemy jungle with no backup
- Clear out enemy jungle camps with your duo or team to deny the enemy comeback potential as well as buffs and gold
In this phase of the game you have the power to end it
- force dragon fights with your team meaning you start it and the enemy has to either go there or they loose any chance of winning
- take down turrets with your team and force the enemy to defend
- roam around the map and "assert dominance" you should be feared and make the enemy scared to push up too far
- put down some wards in the enemy jungle to avoid being flanked and always keep an eye on them to make sure you have the advantage
- force a baron fight with your team. Either the enemy responds or they loose
possesses true 1v9 potential in this stage of the game so play aggressively but also don´t overextend for no reason. No matter how strong you are, it´s still a team game.

When to pick Vayne?
offers great value against tanky champions:
Alistar will have a hard time to tank a
Vayne since his
Unbreakable Will does not protect against true damage from
Silver Bolts plus he needs to stick around close and you can avoid that with
Condemn and
Braum is an other tank/peel champion and your kit really hurts him. You got no crazy skillshots like
Trueshot Barrage that are being blocked by
Braum + your
Tumble makes it hard for him to land his
Concussive Blows
Leona can catch up to you with her
Solar Flare but you can push her right back with your
Amumu depends on sticking close to you so the same principle applies to ho him like it does with
Alistar . Kite, push away
Garen suffered heavily in recent patches and serves more of a tank now which you are good against so he will have a hard time with you
Blitzcrank will have rough day trying to land a single
Rocket Grab since your
Tumble and a little practice makes it almost impossible to land
being a hypercarry synergizes well with:
Alistar since his
Headbutt +
Pulverize makes it easy for you to get some good damage in. He also offers great frontline potential and lifts some focuse off you
Nami serves the same purpose with her
Aqua Prison + her
Ebb And Flow gives you some nice slowing effect with your auto attacks
Lulu offers everything you need: Extra attack speed, shield, health, movement speed but she is also short range and late game scaling
Braum can be a great support since your attack speed will be quite high and
Braum is also very good early game as well as late game so he can help you with the early game pressure