by MissMachineGun001

[2.5a] Caitlyn Guide - How to blow up your enemies 🎯

I'm still working in this guide, and i'm going to try to keep it updated and bring new content! Thank you for reading, if you have any question, leave it in the comments. (Sorry if i commited any grammar error, english is not my main language :,) )
Patch 2.5a
December 03, 2021 20:14

How to blow up your enemies 🎯

Caitlyn is a lane bully and can carry games realy easy. Is also an awsome champion with an easy mechanic de learn. In this guide I'll teach you about builds, some macro game tips, and not de less important, combos :D!


  • Have the highest aa range in the game
  • Easy to learn
  • Don't have much counters
  • Super versatile with builds


  • Super squishy
  • Trash late game if you can't snowball
  • Don't have mobility without 3rd abilitie

Caitlyn Build

Best Build Guide for Caitlyn

Starting items
Brawler's Gloves
Long Sword
Crit build example
Phantom Dancer
Quicksilver Enchant
Infinity Edge
Rapid Firecannon
Wit's End
Guardian Angel
Lethality build example
Duskblade of Draktharr
Stasis Enchant
Serylda's Grudge
Wit's End
Black Cleaver
Guardian Angel
Blade of the Ruined King
Infinity Edge
Quicksilver Enchant
Rapid Firecannon
Guardian Angel
Boots enchantments options
Stasis Enchant
Quicksilver Enchant
Shadows Enchant

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

As starting item, you usually wants to go for Brawler's GlovesBrawler's Gloves for have more damage. You can also start with a DaggerDagger in hard matchups, or Long SwordLong Sword depending the build you are going to do.

IMPORTANT: Different from the recommended build that Wild Rift provides, please DON'T start with Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge as your first item! CaitlynCaitlyn 's main damage is from auto attacks, so priorizing attack speed is important. Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer , the recommended first item for this build is 600 gold cheaper and only 12% less gold efficient, so you can close it before first dragon fight.

#1 - Crit Build

I recommend this build to skilled players. If you are new, try out the #3 build.

Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer is really strong in Caitlyn, it provides attack speed, crit, and a shield that helps you to survive against assassins and high burst champions.

Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge is definitely a core item because of it's passive, wich makes HeadshotHeadshot really strong.

Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon is so yummy! CaitlynCaitlyn already have a long range, combined with this item, you can hit enemyes wile in a safe point. It's really nice against champions like YasuoYasuo or IreliaIrelia because they won't be abble to get close from you.

As fourth item, you should go for Wit's EndWit's End , against AP, or Death's DanceDeath's Dance for extra resistance against AD. You can also go for BloodthirsterBloodthirster if you have a lead.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel : you may not reach this point of the game in most times, but ga can be a treat in team fights. You can buy other defensive item in place of it: 

Buy Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder only against heavy healing comps, like SorakaSoraka , DariusDarius , or VayneVayne . If it isn't necessary, you can get Black CleaverBlack Cleaver against tanks machups, or Spirit VisageSpirit Visage if you need extra magic resist and have healing champions by your side (e.g. SorakaSoraka , SonaSona ).

#2 - Lethality Build

This build is better against squishy comps, please don't do it if the enemy team has 2+ tanks.

Duskblade of DraktharrDuskblade of Draktharr and Serylda's GrudgeSerylda's Grudge are the core of this build. You'll have damage and some armor pen., in case of the enemy team starts building Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps .

After 2.6 updates, you may go for Edge of Night in most of your games. Switch for Wit's EndWit's End against hard AP or Death's DanceDeath's Dance against hard AD.

Caitlyn's Ace In The HoleAce In The Hole is VERY important in this build, so you're going to need some hability haste, that can be provided from Black CleaverBlack Cleaver . It also gives more armor pen., so at this point your aa will burst squishy champions.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel : you may not reach this point of the game in most times, but ga can be a treat in teamfights.

#3 - Sustain Build

I'm still testing this. Is very usefull in hard matchups and is a good option if you doesn't like #1 build. Test in normal game before going to rankeds.

Blade of the Ruined KingBlade of the Ruined King grants sustain, attack speed and damage. It's verry expensive but if you have an agressive play style, the extra lifestel is way batter than the early critical chance.

Infinity EdgeInfinity Edge is definitely a core item because of it's passive, wich makes HeadshotHeadshot really strong.

Rapid FirecannonRapid Firecannon is so yummy! CaitlynCaitlyn already have a long range, combined with this item, you can hit enemyes wile in a safe point. It's really nice against champions like YasuoYasuo or IreliaIrelia because they won't be abble to get close from you.

[bloodthirster] gives you more and more sustain, and also a shield that is so annoying for the enemy team! If you are behind, Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer it's a vallueble option.

Guardian AngelGuardian Angel : you may not reach this point of the game in most times, but ga can be a treat in team fights. You can buy other defensive item in place of it: 

Buy Mortal ReminderMortal Reminder only against heavy healing comps, like SorakaSoraka , DariusDarius , or VayneVayne . If it isn't necessary, you can get Black CleaverBlack Cleaver against tanks machups, or Spirit VisageSpirit Visage if you need extra magic resist and have healing champions by your side (e.g. SorakaSoraka , SonaSona ).

#4 - Boots and boots enchantments

Normally, Gluttonous GreavesGluttonous Greaves is the best option, sustain is important for AD carrys. Buying Plated SteelcapsPlated Steelcaps or Mercury's TreadsMercury's Treads is also an good option depending on enemy composition. 

For the boots enchantments, [stasis enchant] is the go-to buy against assassins like ZedZed or AkaliAkali . Quicksilver EnchantQuicksilver Enchant will be the best buy against CC. If the enemy team doesn't have any of this, you can go for Shadows EnchantShadows Enchant to get kill pressure.

Caitlyn Runes

Best Runes for Caitlyn

Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan

This rune page works better when doing the crit build. Fleet FootworkFleet Footwork is better with the other builds.

• ConquerorConqueror is easy to proc, and the damage boost synergizes realy well with CaitlynCaitlyn 's opressive early game. It also scales nice into late game compared to other runes options.

• BrutalBrutal synergizes well with ConquerorConqueror . You can switch to Gathering StormGathering Storm  for more late game presence or Hunter VampirismHunter Vampirism for more sustain.

• Hunter TitanHunter Titan grants health and tenacity, both good for surviving in long trades. You can take LoyaltyLoyalty for extra resistance for you and your ally.

• MastermindMastermind will allow you to melt down turrets, and the 120 extra gold are very good for snowballing. Go for Sweet ToothSweet Tooth for a safer lane phase.

Fleet Footwork
Fleet Footwork
Hunter Titan
Hunter Titan

I like to use this rune page in hard matchups, but you can also use it with the lethality build to have some sustain at the lane phase.

• Fleet FootworkFleet Footwork gives you sustain and ms, both good for have a safer lane phase.

• BrutalBrutal adds some damage. Switch for Hunter VampirismHunter Vampirism in Miss FortuneMiss Fortune or DravenDraven matchups.

• Hunter TitanHunter Titan grants health and tenacity, both good for surviving in long trades. Switch for Second WindSecond Wind against poke matchups or Bone PlatingBone Plating agains burst machups.

• MastermindMastermind will allow you to melt down turrets, and the 120 extra gold are very good for snowballing. Go for Sweet ToothSweet Tooth for a safer lane phase.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

Headshot - Passive
Piltover Peacemaker
Piltover Peacemaker
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Yordle Snap Trap
Yordle Snap Trap
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
90 Caliber Net
90 Caliber Net
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ace In The Hole
Ace In The Hole
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners

Just get it
Good option in general
Take this against assassins
Good option when your support want to run heal
Please don't -


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

90 Caliber Net
Piltover Peacemaker
Auto Attack

Simple trade combo. Trust me, it deal a lot of damage, principaly in the Lethality build. You can add an Ace in The Hole for finish the target.

Yordle Snap Trap
90 Caliber Net
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Piltover Peacemaker
Auto Attack
Ace In The Hole

You normally can pull off a kill from this combo. After training, you can deal 3 headshots really fast.

Yordle Snap Trap
Piltover Peacemaker
Auto Attack
Auto Attack

Simple combo if the enemy falls in your trap. This combo can be used even it has minions in front, because Piltover Peacemaker deals full damage to champions that falled in a trap.

Shadows Enchant
90 Caliber Net
Piltover Peacemaker
Auto Attack
Auto Attack
Ace In The Hole

A variant of the first combo. The slow of Shadow Enchant combined to the 90 Calibre Net slow can help in chases. Sometimes, it won't be necessary use the ultimate, just finish with some auto attacks.

90 Caliber Net

Flash combo! You can use 90 Calibre Net + Flash to a fast reposition. Use flash after the ability to a faster animation. 

Caitlyn Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune

VayneVayne 's range is very low, and her early game is very week. Free lane, just poke her every time she is going for CS. 



I'll divy this topic in 2 parts: one for support sinergies and other for other lanes in general (principally jungle).

#1 - Supports

• Engage Supports

Engage supports, such as AlistarAlistar , RakanRakan , ThreshThresh , or even GalioGalio synergyzes really well with CaitlynCaitlyn , because they can play very aggressive. Most of them are also tanks, wich is awsome, since you are very squisssshhy.

• Tank Supports

Another good sinergie, tanks supports can be very usefull. Most of them also have some CC abilitie, like Death SentenceDeath Sentence or Concussive BlowsConcussive Blows that can help an easy Yordle Snap TrapYordle Snap Trap .

• Enchanters Supports

Enchanters supports always provides a good heal/shield, and most of them have good poke in lane phase, due their range. Supports like LuluLulu , SonaSona or NamiNami shine in teamfights, were you want to have a big presence.

• Mage Supports

The baddest sinergies with CaitlynCaitlyn , they are very squishy as Enchanters ones, but they have another bad point: horible or even none shield/healing. Some of these cases are LuxLux and SeraphineSeraphine . Both have good CCs, burst and poke, but very low shielding and healing.

#2 Other lanes sinergies

• Jarvan IvJarvan Iv - He has an nice lvl 2 gank and can get tank at mid game. His CataclysmCataclysm can guarantee a kill in most times.

• GalioGalio - Tanks and champions with 2+ CC abilities sinergyzes very well with CaitlynCaitlyn ! Galio have 3 CCs in his kit ( Justice PunchJustice Punch Shield Of DurandShield Of Durand and Hero's EntranceHero's Entrance ), wich is alwsome! He also can do tank build and have an map presence ultimate. Sweet!

• MalphiteMalphite - Similar to GalioGalio , malphite is tank and his Unstoppable ForceUnstoppable Force can change fights. Even it is an jungler, top laner or support malphite, it is verry satisfying having one in your team.

• SeraphineSeraphine (Mid lane) - Oh guns god! Having a seraphine by your side is soooo funny! She has a huge range and an insane poke. Her ultimate, EncoreEncore can change fights, with music power (/≧▽≦)/ !

• Lee SinLee Sin - As Jarvan IvJarvan Iv , lee has a huge lvl 2 gank pressure. If you get ganked, it can be an easy FB. He also is verry effective in tower dives.

Honror mentions:  

Dr. MundoDr. Mundo (mundo rework) - At pc LoL, mundo after rework is an moving wall. He can be kinda immortal (???) in fights. Imagine!

Morgana - I know, new champion. But her 1st abilitie and her ultimate are a very hard CC! She also has an shield that blocks CCs, wich is very OP.

(I'll try to add more champions and keep this section updated!)


Early game & Teamfights

CaitlynCaitlyn 's early game is very strong, since her poke with HeadshotHeadshot is insane. Don't spam abilities because they have high mana cost. I like freezing the wave most times because you can deny a lot of resouces from enemy laner, and setup an gank for your jungler. Using your freeze, you can setup a slowpush, and prepare a tower dive, that can be the thing you want to have a BIG lead. 

If you have an agressive play style, you can also pressure the enemy under it's tower, always poking him, to force he lose resouces and going to base or diying. BE CAREFULL with ganks, and keep the map warded. Only do this in easy matchups or if you have a big lead.

The dragon spawn in 4 minuts, so at 3:20 you want to go back to base and get your Phantom DancerPhantom Dancer . Make shure to push the wave and control the dragon area using your Yordle Snap TrapYordle Snap Trap in brushes to don't let the enemy get close.

Before the fight start, try to see if the enemy have any important CC, like Light BindingLight Binding , or very important ultimate like EncoreEncore and Chain Of CorruptionChain Of Corruption . This will change your way to be positioned. Always use your team as an "living barrier" to keep safe and deal damage, since you are REALY squishy. Don't waste your 90 Caliber Net90 Caliber Net soon, it's one of your only escape tool unless [flash].

Your focus in a teamfight is the closest enemy champion, who you can shoot without getting hitted back. Things like "the ADC always focus the tank!" or "why the ADC don't focus the enemy Vayne?" will be very often principally in lower elos, but don't care about this. That's why we build thigs like Black CleaverBlack Cleaver , to have armor penetration to deal damage to tanks too :D!

Also, in fights for objectives like Rift Herald or Dragon, always focus de Herald/Dragon, principally when you have MastermindMastermind rune, to guarantee them for your team.


Mid/Late game

In that point, you want to close the game the earlyest possible, because CaitlynCaitlyn don't scale well. Most ADcarrys should be ahead, unless if you had a really good early game.

After destroying the T1 turret from bot lane, you want to rotate to mid lane. That's because staying avanced in dragon lane is very risky as an ADC, because you need to stay far from your tower.

If nobody is pushin dragon/baron lane, you sould ask help from your jungler/support to go out there and farm. Keep the sidelanes pushed creates an imense map pressure. Pushin a lane before an objective fight can make the fight be 3v5 or, if the hole enemy team go contest the objective, the minions can destroy the turret. Minions are your biggest friend!

Look at the nice things other people said!
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